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Pillow with writing on it: Wake up, Kick ass, Repeat
Rebecca Ryan, APF

In a recent newsletter, I copped to half-assing through marriage therapy. But then, something changed and I started whole-assing it, instead. All because of this little exercise below.

Many readers asked for the exercise, so here you go. With a deep bow of thanks to Ryder Carroll.

The Set-Up: Are you happy with your life? Are you getting the results you want, investing the time and effort in the things that bring you deep meaning? Carroll writes:

You need to take the time to articulate your vision for what it means to live a meaningful life based on your felt experience.

The Exercise: Write two obituaries for yourself. Take 15 minutes to write each obit. Dig deep. Be specific.

Obituary #1: The well worn path, the path you’re currently really comfortable with. In obit #1, write about your life choosing comfort over risk.

Obituary #2: The path less traveled, the path that scares you, the path that requires you to shake things up, make some changes. In obit #2, write about your life choosing risk over comfort where you pursue the things that interest you and actively work to improve yourself.

Reflection: Read through your obituaries. What realizations, emotions, questions, insights, etc. emerge as you read through these narratives? What surprised, saddened, scared, or excited you?

Act: Choose the life you like best, ID and circle the accomplishments you’re most proud of. If you’re a Bullet Journal adherent, migrate these items into a Goals Collection.

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Rebecca Ryan, APF
Rebecca Ryan, APF

Rebecca Ryan captains the ship. Trained as a futurist and an economist, Rebecca helps clients see what's coming - as a keynote speaker, a Futures Lab facilitator, an author of books, blogs and articles, a client advisor, and the founder of Futurist Camp. Check out her blog or watch her Q&A on how NGC helps organizations prepare for the future using Strategic Foresight. Contact Lisa Loniello for more information.

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