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Futures Friday cover using the image of a sunrise in watercolor
Rebecca Ryan, APF

Engaging Citizens in Foresight Through...Budgeting

Friday, April 16 at 1 PM Eastern/Noon Central/11 AM Mountain/10 am Pacific

Register: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZ0odeyprDsqG9LqDVahp-dcmY2gCTbHp9mJ

How do we take all the issues that local government face and let stakeholders determine the long term vision...and budget priorities?

Does this sound crazy? It's what many local governments have done using Priority Based Budgeting. In this Futures Friday, we'll talk with PBB co-founder Jon Johnson about:

  • What PBB is and how it relates to foresight
  • Municipalities who've used PBB to engage stakeholders, set a vision, and align budgets with community priorities
  • How PBB de-escalates political tribalism
  • Advice on putting the American Rescue Plan resources to wise use.

Join Rebecca Ryan and Jon Johnson as they talk about the overlap and synergy between their two fields of expertise.

Jon Johnson is Chief Financial Officer at the Alliance for Innovation. He cofounded the Center for Priority Based Budgeting after a career in finance and budgeting in local governments in Missouri and Colorado.

Navigating the Messy Middle: Part 1 — Overview

Friday, Feb. 05 at 1 pm Eastern/Noon Central/11 am Mountain/10 am Pacific


Futurist and economist Rebecca Ryan teaches the “Three Horizons Model,” a framework for navigating between the prior era and the new era.

To get up to the minute news about the workshop series, subscribe to our newsletter, http://eepurl.com/cWJno9.

Navigating the Messy Middle: Part 2 — Recruiting the Team

Friday, Feb. 12 at 1 PM Eastern/Noon Central/11 AM Mountain/10 AM Pacific


In Part 1, you learned the “Messy Middle” framework — how and why to take the leap from a model that no longer works (buh-bye, history!) towards brighter futures. In this workshop, we double-down and talk about how to recruit and build a team that can run effective pilots, evaluate success, and build momentum.

Facilitated by Rebecca Ryan, APF.

This workshop is part of a four-part series designed for leaders and managers who are ready to take the leap: to question their pre-pandemic assumptions and values, imagine a more sustainable and just future, and build the processes, teams, and innovations to bridge the gap.

To get up to the minute news about the workshop series, subscribe to our newsletter, http://eepurl.com/cWJno9.

Navigating the Messy Middle: Part 3 — Picking Kick-Ass (Pilot) Projects

Friday, Feb. 19 at 1 PM Eastern/Noon Central/11 AM Mountain/10 AM Pacific


In Parts 1 & 2, you learned the “Messy Middle” framework and how to recruit and build a great team.

In this workshop, you’ll learn a simple, repeatable process for brainstorming and choosing high-impact pilot projects that require no money and no permission. (I know! It’s like a free lunch!)

Facilitated by Yasemin Arikan, MA.

This workshop is part of a four-part series designed for leaders and managers who are ready to take the leap: to question their pre-pandemic assumptions and values, imagine a more sustainable and just future, and build the processes, teams, and innovations to bridge the gap.

To get up to the minute news about the workshop series, subscribe to our newsletter, http://eepurl.com/cWJno9.

Navigating the Messy Middle: Part 4 — Bonus Episode and Ask Us Anything

Friday, Feb. 26 at 1 PM Eastern/Noon Central/11 AM Mountain/10 AM Pacific


In Parts 1, 2 & 3, you learned the “Messy Middle” framework, how to recruit and build a great team, and how to brainstorm and choose high-impact pilot projects.

In this fourth and final workshop, we’ll share bonus tips, respond to your questions, and welcome a special guest (or several) to share their “Messy Middle” lessons

Facilitated by Rebecca Ryan, APF and Yasemin Arikan, MA.

This workshop is part of a four-part series designed for leaders and managers who are ready to take the leap: to question their pre-pandemic assumptions and values, imagine a more sustainable and just future, and build the processes, teams, and innovations to bridge the gap.

To get up to the minute news about the workshop series, subscribe to our newsletter, http://eepurl.com/cWJno9.

If you enjoyed this post, please subscribe to our newsletter.

Rebecca Ryan, APF
Rebecca Ryan, APF

Rebecca Ryan captains the ship. Trained as a futurist and an economist, Rebecca helps clients see what's coming - as a keynote speaker, a Futures Lab facilitator, an author of books, blogs and articles, a client advisor, and the founder of Futurist Camp. Check out her blog or watch her Q&A on how NGC helps organizations prepare for the future using Strategic Foresight. Contact Lisa Loniello for more information.

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Rebecca Ryan, APF
Rebecca Ryan, APF