What are the top 10 trends for the next ten years? Download the report here.

My Wife My Motherin Law
Rebecca Ryan, APF

Your brain is beautiful.

And sometimes, it tricks you.

You think you see a beautiful young woman looking over her right shoulder (image above). But wait, it's an old woman with her chin buried in her coat collar, isn't it?

Both are true.

When faced with something new or ambiguous, we often don't see things as they are. We see them as we are. New images or ideas glide over well-worn neural pathways and if they don't connect to something we already know, our brain ignores them.

This "system 1" or "fast thinking" makes our brains efficient, but it also prevents us from seeing signals of the future that are all around us.

To see what's possible next year or the next decade, futurists must consciously recondition their minds to be open to new or ambiguous information.

Enjoy the blog, you big-brained beauty.

Read: Bias is an Innovation Killer
See: The Cognitive Bias Codex

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Rebecca Ryan, APF
Rebecca Ryan, APF

Rebecca Ryan captains the ship. Trained as a futurist and an economist, Rebecca helps clients see what's coming - as a keynote speaker, a Futures Lab facilitator, an author of books, blogs and articles, a client advisor, and the founder of Futurist Camp. Check out her blog or watch her Q&A on how NGC helps organizations prepare for the future using Strategic Foresight. Contact Lisa Loniello for more information.

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